Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Madhava Antics

Madhava is liking cups and spoons, and despite being empty or clean he is learning to use them well. Soon he will be ready for some tastiness in/on there! This video shows just how chatty (and loud) this little can get at times. He wants to talk and talk so everyone can hear clearly, even if they don't understand fully!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Some of Madhava's First Steps

He has taken a step here, two steps there. He could walk, but doesn't know. He feels more confident with the gators or holding on. But here he is taking some steps. As usual, he had taken more before the recording...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Madhava's Gator Walk...A First?!

Madhava is ready to walk! He certainly liked using the alligators to walk outside. What joy! What adventure!

Friday, May 18, 2012

New Developments

1. Madhava can grab his toes. Not really on purpose, but his hand finds them and grabs on and up goes a leg. Up and down, to his ear and back. Ah, the flexibility of babes... 2. Umakka continues to adore her baby Madhava, but recently he has been fixating on her so she can play games. They have played two so far--one where Uma hid her face behind a hat and one where she played "Peek" with her hands and face. Theme there? But baby laughs and laughs. It is the sweetest thing to watch this relationship develop between them. 3. Teeth? So. Much. Drool. Super chompy. Already lunging at my food. Will he get teeth early (earlier than Uma did at 14 months)? Not sure, but this guy is going at his hand, my finger or something hard to gnaw on like there's no tomorrow. 4. This baby boy is alert and interactive. He is so fun! We have a kissing game. It's just where he give me a kiss. And he really does! Once (on Mother's Day!) he woke up and I said Good Morning as usual. He grabbed my face and slowly wobbled in for a kiss. I said "Kiss!" and he laughed and laughed. I asked for more kisses and he slowly started his disent again. Three kisses I got! Followed by that sweet laughter. Is there a better game than super drooly wet kissy game? 5. Baby boy knows the signs for milk, potty and up. He often lifts his own legs and puts them down for me during diaper changes. He is such an attentive little guy. Got to sign more to him.... 6. He can rollover. For sure. Instantly. Doesn't like being on his back anymore. He is also able to push himself up on his arms, all the way up to the waist. He does this and then shoves his face into the ground while getting up on his toes so he can put his knees down. Head up, butt and knees up. These are his options. Soon enough he will have both at the same time. As it is, he can move side to side on his belly. Everything is easier in the bed so every morning and nap time is play time. Today he "crawled" all the way to me to give me a kiss! We both thought that was awesome fun. I love this baby boy!

Carseat Cuteness

Visit from Mamamma and Poppa

Eating a Carrot

Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Sibling Drum Session

He was drumming more before the video started, of course. Still, look at that smile on his face when he sees his Umakka.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


This isn't the best laughing session, but it's a taste of the sweetness...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

First Laughs

Though there is no video, sweet, cheery baby boy had his first tiny laughs today. At daddy of course.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Madhava Morning

This morning baby woke up and wanted to spend some time together. Here's some of the amazing conversation we had. (Best around 1:45 in the video)

Madhava Time

With more awake time comes more fun time with mama! I get to chat with him and watch him learn to move his body. It's amazing what I see when I don't just write off his movements as random. I can see, now more than the first time around or ever before, how babies have intentions and are communicating all the time....just like toddlers and everyone else! I can see how my baby boy is trying to touch my face, is trying to distinguish each distinct thing that he sees, or is working to use his voice intentionally. What a wonderful (and tiring) journey life is!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Love This Face

Look at this sweet mouth!

My Darling Daughter and My Beautiful Boy

This is one of those pictures where my mind flashes ahead to my older self looking back on the moment, remarking on how young I am, how fresh motherhood is, how new my children are....Perhaps I'm proactively nostalgic? Whatever it is, this was a great moment. My daughter told her daddy that baby was getting milkies. Then she said, "I love you baby. I love you soooo much. Thank you for getting the milkies." Of course daddy and mama melted and we had to talk about how sometimes people love so much they cry.

Umakka Lovings

Saturday, January 7, 2012


My mama ann I took a little bath together today. It had baking soda in it to help with the yeast. I liked it well enough. My hair got a little wet, and look what happened -- curls!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Health Update

My baby boy battled jaundice with the help of 24/7 home light therapy. Today I found out his tongue tie will probably not be causing any problems. It has either stretched or he has gotten stronger. That's two issues down! The thrush is still present, but probiotics and baking soda are keeping it stable at the worst it seems. Have to stay vigilant. Some good news, though, is that he weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces. This means he gained back to his birth weight and then a bit more. He is just beautiful and I love him...but that's nothing new!